Born in San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina, they offer a young proposal of Argentine music that seeks a unique sound with a fresh and renewing spirit. Their repertoire includes works by fundamental composers and figures of tango and Argentine folklore, such as Gardel-Le Pera, Troilo-Manzi, Cobián-Cadicamo, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Cuchi Leguizamón, among others. The concert is dynamic, emotive, and energetic, offering different nuances and musical proposals, covering various genres such as tango, waltz, milonga, candombe, Argentine folklore, vocal arrangements, and instrumental versions of the Argentine popular songbook. This consolidates a versatile and entertaining show, creating a back-and-forth with the audience. Their repertoire can be adapted for concert halls, peñas, and milongas. The duo consists of Sabrina Destefanis on electric bass, bombo legüero, and vocals; and Walter Ratto on guitar and vocals.